The two are also in a Love Triangle with their mutual Childhood Friend Kairi, who loses her heart for most of the first game but only Riku is working to save her and he believes that Sora has abandoned them for his new friends.

Riku is a case of I Just Want to Be Special and grows jealous that Sora is The Chosen One because of the Keyblade going to him, even though both are able to wield it. Unfortunately, this gets a brutal Deconstruction throughout the first game for several reasons. Always Someone Better: Riku was hinted to have always been able to outdo Sora, something the latter admits at the end of Kingdom Hearts II.
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This was due to him having Ansem's appearance but once Kairi and eventually Sora realize it's him, he stays with them full time. Aloof Ally: In II, Riku was on Sora's side but he helped them by giving them clues to where to go and was avoiding interaction with them.Afraid of Their Own Strength: Riku's Character Development in Chain of Memories revolves around this trope, at first he'd try to avoid using darkness at all costs over regret of his actions in the last game but as he learns and accepts that Dark Is Not Evil, he starts using the power more which allows him to Take a Level in Badass.He also sincerely offers Sora to join him to rescue Kairi and is visibly disappointed and shocked after he refuses. Affably Evil: During his time as a villain in Kingdom Hearts I, he's at worse a Jerkass to Sora and does has some Kick the Dog moments but even then he is the Token Good Teammate of Maleficent's group as his motivation is to rescue Kairi and not to take over the worlds.Adorably Precocious Child: In Birth By Sleep where he was extremely perceptive and insightful at five years old, able to immediately spot an off-worlder and give Sora outstanding advice about a complicated issue.A Day in the Limelight: He has his own campaign in Chain of Memories and 3D, the latter in which he's more of The Protagonist than Sora himself.Acquired Poison Immunity: As revealed in 3D, Riku's long-time exposure to darkness has rendered him immune to its corrupting influence.This is acknowledged in II when Sora and Donald express their disbelief that Riku could be defeated by anyone.

The Ace: Sora is occasionally jealous of his friend for excelling at everything he does.When asked by DiZ if he'd walk the road of light or darkness, Riku determinedly decided that neither roads suit him and he'd take the middle road, the road to dawn. Above Good and Evil: Different version of this trope.